Property Maps (GIS)

The Peach County Geographic Information System (GIS) integrates information from aerial photography and other sources to provide useful maps and information for county agencies and the general public.

Our database includes digital aerial photography from 2005 and base map revisions covering more than 13,717 tax parcels. The information is updated weekly and from this data, we create customized maps showing exact locations of property by street address or lot number, infrastructure such as roads, schools, and utilities, and hydrologic features like streams, rivers, and lakes.


You can print high-quality maps to a scale of your choice directly from this site, or you can e-mail a map in PDF format. Large printouts to your specifications are available from the county tax assessor's office for a fee.

Peach County uses this information for planning and zoning, property records, parks, transportation planning, traffic and accident analysis, elections administration, public safety (police and fire), public utilities (water and sewer), economic development, and environmental and natural resource management. Our GIS data is also integrated into other county computer applications.

With expanded hardware and better interface software, we are able to make this information available to the public. In the future, we will continue to add functionality and capabilities based on user feedback and business interests.

The use of GIS applications has entered many common realms, and users may not know that they are using GIS. A few convenient travel mapping applications are Google Maps, Mapquest, Yahoo Maps, and Google Earth. How do these applications so quickly determine directions and time for travel? They are applications of GIS that follow rules of connectivity and directionality. What that means to the user is this: travel can only be routed through connected streets, and vehicles travel at different speeds in cities than on the interstate, and one-way streets may come into play… the possibilities are many. GIS takes all of these rules into account in quickly determining optimal routes and times, and gives intelligence to these mapping applications.

The uses of GIS are numerous, whether it be in emergency response applications used by 911 dispatchers; in crime analysis packages that model crimes and can determine optimal staffing for patrols as well as predict areas likely for crimes to take place; in natural resource management to determine zones for watershed protections for water quality and species monitoring.

Our data includes aerial photography of the entire county plus information on property ownership, assessed value, zoning, streets, schools and election districts.

Base Map Metadata
This dataset was created to capture the existing ground conditions at a point in time for the purpose of establishing a base analysis of topography, natural and manmade objects visible in orthophotographs.

Coordinate Precision: Double
Map Units: Feet
Coordinate System: Georgia West State Plane Zone (3676)
NAD 83/94
Mapping Scale: 1"=100'
Tile Size: 2500' x 2500'

All features were captured to ASPRS Horizontal Accuracy Standards for Large Scale Maps, Class 2, at 1"=100'. The vertical control supported the production of 1"=100' digital orthophotos and the generation of 2' contours. All annotation and titling will be developed for maps that are to be produced at a scale of 1"=100'.

Street Network Data
This dataset was created and maintained to capture the street network for the purpose of printed maps and integration with other business systems. The data contained in this dataset is obtained from a combination of orthophotographs, deeds, and plats.

Coordinate Precision: Double
Map Units: Feet
Coordinate System: Georgia West State Plane Zone (3676)
NAD 83/94
Mapping Scale: 1"=100'
Tile Size: 2500' x 2500'

All annotation and titling will be developed for maps that are to be produced at a scale of 1"=100'.

Cadastral (property) Metadata
This dataset was created and maintained to capture the property boundaries for the purpose of taxation. The data contained in this dataset is not a substitute for a survey from a registered land surveyor. This data is also the basis for current zoning, land use, and is used extensively for analysis for a variety of projects.

Coordinate Precision: Double
Map Units: Feet
Coordinate System: Georgia West State Plane Zone (3676)
NAD 83/94
Mapping Scale: 1"=100'
Tile Size: 2500' x 2500'

All property boundary lines are taken from a combination of deeds and plats with a positional accuracy of 2.0’ + / - . All annotation including acreage figures and dimensions were obtained from deeds, plats, or calculated when measurements are out of our 2.0’ tolerance. All annotation and titling will be developed for maps that are to be produced at a scale of 1"=100'.

Orthophotography Data
This dataset was created to capture the existing ground conditions at a point in time for the purpose of visual representation. This orthophotography is used in coordination with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) as a basis for creating our base map data.

Coordinate Precision: Double
Map Units: Feet
Coordinate System: Georgia West State Plane Zone (3676)
NAD 83/94
Mapping Scale: 1"=100'
Tile Size: 2500' x 2500'

All features were captured to ASPRS Horizontal Accuracy Standards for Large Scale Maps, Class 2, at 1"=100'. The vertical control supported the production of 1"=100' digital orthophotos and the generation of 2' contours. All annotation and titling will be developed for maps that are to be produced at a scale of 1"=100'.

Use Constraints
These maps are a graphical representation of data obtained from aerial photography, recorded deeds, plats, engineering drawings and other public records and data. Peach County does not warrant the accuracy or currency of the data it has provided and does not guarantee the suitability of the data for any purpose, expressed or implied.

All data is provided as is, with all faults, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

These maps are the proprietary product of Peach County and in no event will Peach County be liable for damages, including any loss of profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use these maps.

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